Filmmakers Gone Wild!
"...reaches back to the radical roots of liberation, to the joyously skewed visions of sex, love, culture and camp that lie outside the conventions of the straight world," A Queer Nation, Andrew Kopkind, 1993
Tax Deductible Contributions to CineSLAM help fulfill our mission to offer a glimpse into the diversity of life, struggles and triumphs of LGBTQ people and their allies in short narrative, documentary and art video formats and support the filmmakers who create them.
Category Archives: filmmaker news
CineSLAM 2012 Saturday 6/30 and Sunday 7/1
June 30, 2012 Please join us at the Hooker-Dunham Theater and Gallery, 139 Main St, Brattleboro, VT at 6:15 (Repeat screening 8:15) for some great films including THE OLDEST LESBIAN IN THE WORLD! July 1, 2012 Then two more sessions … Continue reading
Posted in cineslam news, docs, filmmaker news, LGBT film festivals
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CineSLAM Program Director John Scagliotti Celebrates 20th Anniversary of In the Life
In honor of IN THE LIFE (the first LGBT variety show on public television), its creator and our Program Director, John Scagliotti, is showcasing two short films from IN THE LIFE producers Matt Paco and Todd Cross. In the hyper-masculine … Continue reading
CineSLAM to present Becky Lane’s POKER FACE
Molly and Janet are best friends…and maybe more, but a girls’ night poker game leads to revealed secrets and a friendship called into question. POKER FACE is a story about trust, disclosure, and the assumptions people make as they open … Continue reading
KOPKIND / CID Filmmakers VT Retreat 2012
The Center for Independent Documentary and the Kopkind Colony are pleased to announce a call to independent documentary filmmakers who would like to participate in a week long seminar and retreat in southern Vermont. The retreat is limited to nine … Continue reading
CineSLAM On Line Audience Registration Now Open
Two screening times to choose from for Opening Night, June 30th, at the Hooker-Dunham Gallery and Theater (either 6:15pm or 8:15pm) Big Pride Dance follows at the American Legion Hall in Brattleboro Vermont. Sunday two screenings of exciting … Continue reading
Film Slammer, Cheryl Furjanic, on the iTunes Store
We are proud to announce that one of our Film Slam Seminars participants, Cheryl Furjanic, is climbing the charts at the iTunes store with her documentary film Sync or Swim! Currently 116th in Top Documentaries and 81st in Recent Arrivals, … Continue reading